# Documentation ```{toctree} :hidden: documentation/core documentation/gym_envs documentation/pz_envs ``` ```{figure} https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jjshoots/PyFlyt/master/readme_assets/pyflyt_cover_photo.png :width: 80% ``` ## Installation We recommend installations using Python [virtual environments](https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html). It is possible to install PyFlyt using [`conda`](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/), but YMMV. ### Linux and MacOS Installation on _Linux_ and _MacOS_ is simple: ```sh pip3 install wheel numpy pip3 install pyflyt ``` > `numpy` and `wheel` must be installed prior to `pyflyt` such that `pybullet` is built with `numpy` support. ### Windows 1. First, install Microsoft Visual Studio Build Tools. - Go [here](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/), scroll down to **All Downloads**, expand **Tools for Visual Studio**, download **Build Tools for Visual Studio 20XX**, where XX is just the latest year available. - Run the installer. - Select **Desktop development with C++**, then click **Install while downloading** or the alternate option if you wish. 2. Now, you can install `PyFlyt` as usual: ```sh pip3 install wheel numpy pip3 install pyflyt ``` ## Gymnasium Environments If all you want are the Gymnasium environments, you can skip everything and go straight to the [Gymnasium Environments](documentation/gym_envs) section. ## PettingZoo Environments Similarly, if all you want are the PettingZoo environments, you can skip everything and go straight to the [PettingZoo Environments](documentation/pz_envs) section. ## I want to do more! A set of helpful examples are provided in [the source repository](https://github.com/jjshoots/PyFlyt/tree/master/examples/core). While this documentation provides a detailed overview of PyFlyt, the examples can bring you 80% of the way to a fully fledged user in a couple hours. New users are highly encouraged to go through them first.